Officers President Vice President Past President Shane Johnson Secretary Angie Jokinen Treasurer At Large Scott Markle, Rachel Moseley, Nancy Gibson Membership Debbie Sauer Public Relations Stefanie Wolff Honor Council Debbie Sauer Michelle Bowker Principal Liaison Jen Larva ARC Grants Rachel Moseley Early Childhood Lorri Mitchell University Liaison Brenda Fischer (CSS) Duluth Public Library | ARROWHEAD READING COUNCIL A quality program for growth in professional and personal literacy and best practice. Celebrating its 31st year of recognition by the International Reading Association as an IRA Honor Council for outstanding literacy programs and activities. ARC programs offers credits as follows: Duluth Public Schools Teacher Development, NE Staff Development, and clock hours. Register for events through Duluth Public Schools News and Views
Arrowhead Reading Council has been recognized as an HONOR COUNCIL of the International Reading Association for its achievements in programs, membership promotion, and community service for thirty-one years. |