You are invited to a special winter event hosted by
The Minnesota Academy of Reading
Policy Issues in Literacy: Implications for Teacher Educators
Bethel University: Eastland Room
January 11, 2012 from 1:00-4:00PM
This event will also celebrate the distinguished career of
Dr. Deborah Dillon, University of Minnesota- Twin Cities, who will receive the 2012 Minnesota Academy of Reading Award.
Topics covered in the afternoon session will include:
- reflections from Dr. Dillon
- policy updates from Karen Balmer and Kari Ross
- legislative conversations arranged by Eva Boehm
- roundtable discussions for participants
You may register for this event by emailing
Bobbi Douglas Gale at
before January 5th, 2012.
Cost of the event is $15.00 for nonmembers
(payable at the event)
free for current Minnesota Academy of Reading members
Directions and parking information
may be found on
Questions? Call Bobbi at 952-925-097
Download flyer here.