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SWRC: Discussion-- a Key Factor in Increasing Reading Comprehension?
07 Jun 2011
8:30 AM - 3:00 PM
Prairie Elementary School, 1700 1st Avenue SW, Worthington, Minnesota
Dr. Cindy Whaley will focus on two major components that enhance reading comprehension through discussion-guided reading and literature circles/discussion groups. She will describe and model both components along with effective
assessments for them. Some time will also be spent on effectively sing learning centers with your students. As Cindy states, “Modeling by the presenter and active participation by those in attendance will be two requirements during our enjoyable day of learning together.” Cost is $60.00 for SWMRC members, $70.00 for non-members (no refunds after May 31). Send registration and a check payable to SWMRC by May 31, 2011: Yvonne Sieve, 617 Dugdale Ave, Worthington, MN 56187, home: 507.372.2543, school: 507.727.1250. Please join us for an educational
and motivating evening. For information about his conference,
contact Jill Morgan at jamorgs@hotmail.com. Please include SWMRC in the subject line of your email.
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