During this symposium we will recognize the contributions of Dr. Cindy Whaley from Martin Luther College in New Ulm. Cindy has served as the President of the Southwest Area Reading Council for many years, was a member of the statewide literacy team, provided feedback on the English Language Arts standards during the last review, and has provided outstanding professional learning to pre-service and in-service teachers across the Midwest. Dr. Whaley's keynote address is entitled "The Lifelong Journey of a Successful Reader." It is our honor to recognize her commitment to the literacy community of Minnesota!
We will also be continuing our discussion of reading interventions from the summer book clubs and the Distinguished Scholar Symposium with Dr. Barbara Foorman. If you missed out on the previous events, jump into the conversation NOW! CEUs will be provided.
Cost: Free to Minnesota Academy of Reading members
Free to students
$10.00 for nonmembers
1:00 Welcome and Introductions- Dr. Keitha-Gail Martin-Kerr, President
of MAR
1:05 Update from the Department of Education- Cory Stai and Jennifer Wazlawik,
MDE Literacy Specialists
1:20 Introduction of the 2018 Honoree
1:25 Keynote Address: "The Lifelong Journey of a Successful Reader"- Dr.
Cindy Whaley
2:15 Refreshments- Dr. Joan Sax-Bendix, Membership Director of MAR
2:30 Small Group Discussions- Dr. Debra S. Peterson, Past President of MAR
- What does it take to ensure that all students are successful readers?
-What does research say about the components of effective reading
interventions in Tier 1 and Tier 2?
-What have been your experiences with reading interventions? What
successes and challenges have you experienced?
3:30 Sharing Key Points and Action Steps
3:50 Drawing for door prizes (You must be present to win!)