Our Annual Spring Conference will be held on Tuesday, May 9, 2016 at Martin Luther College in the Cafeteria Conference Center located in the Luther Student Center
(LSC). Whether it’s a picture book, chapter book or a YA novel, John has all of your bases covered! He is currently wrapping up a book tour in East Africa and sends his greetings from Kenya. His most recent book, Their Great Gift, will be showcased this evening. A selection of his books will be available for purchase and autographing as well. A sporting-good-time will be had by as we learn from featured author, John Coy. Questions may be directed to either Jon Roux (rouxja@mlc- wels.edu; 507-766-0399) or Brenda Resch (bresch@isd177.com 507-822-5659). Print off registration form here.