Minnesota Reading Association

Summer MRA Conference

  • 09 Jul 2015
  • Hamline University


  • Comes with a 1 Year Membership to New Members and a 1 Year Extension to Current Members

Registration is closed

MRA Summer Conference

MRA is pleased to announce that we will once again run our Summer Conference in conjunction with the Hamline Summer Literacy Institute on Thursday, July 9th 2015. 

Our keynote speaker will be Dr. Nell Duke and there will be multiple seminars, workshops, and break-out sessions addressing topics of Culturally Responsive Instruction, technology integration, reading in the content areas, motivating students as writers, and much more!

Registration for the one-day MRA summer conference is $150.  This includes a one-year membership to MRA. Breakfast and lunch will also be provided.

To attend the four days of the Hamline University Summer Literacy Institute (July 7-10), you will need to register at the Hamline University Summer Literacy Institute website.  You may either register for college credits or for professional clock hours.  Check out the website for the Hamline Summer Institute here.  

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